




When applying for a permit to become an antique dealer in Japan, there are certain requirements that must be met. One of these requirements is the submission of necessary certificates, namely the certificate of residency and the identification card. These documents are essential in establishing the applicant’s identity and verifying their eligibility to engage in the trade. The certificate of residency, also known as the juminhyo, is an official record that provides information about a person’s registered address in Japan. It is a document issued by the local government office that is responsible for maintaining resident registration records. The juminhyo contains details such as the person’s name, date of birth, gender, and current address. It is often used as a form of identification and is required for various legal and administrative procedures, including applying for a permit to become an antique dealer. The identification card, on the other hand, is a government-issued document that contains a person’s photo and personal information. It serves as a formal means of identification and is required for a wide range of activities, including opening a bank account, obtaining a driver’s license, and applying for a passport. The identification card is a crucial piece of documentation when applying for a permit to become an antique dealer, as it helps to establish the applicant’s identity and eligibility to engage in the trade. In addition to these two essential documents, there are other requirements that must be met when applying for an antique dealer permit in Japan. These include having sufficient knowledge about antique items and their value, as well as proving that the applicant has a clean criminal record. The application process also involves an inspection of the premises where the antique items will be sold, to ensure that they are kept in a safe and secure environment. In conclusion, the certificate of residency and the identification card are essential documents that are required when applying for a permit to become an antique dealer in Japan. These documents help to establish the applicant’s identity and eligibility to engage in the trade, and they are a crucial part of the application process. By meeting these requirements and demonstrating a sufficient knowledge of antique items, aspiring antique dealers can obtain the necessary permit to pursue their passion and establish themselves in the industry.

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